JAC Recruitment

Management, Specialists, and Global Talent

JAC Recruitment

JAC Recruitment stands out as the flagship brand within the JAC Group. It forms the foundation of our organisation and is the largest of our businesses, having more than 1,600 professionals. With a strong presence across multiple countries, JAC Recruitment is headquartered in Tokyo. It is a consistently successful company that is widely known and respected at the highest levels of Asia's recruitment sector. That relentless growth and steady financial success has led to a listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market. Across our 50 years as a business, we have evolved continuously. We embrace change as a constant necessity to serve Japanese and global companies seeking top talent in Japan, Singapore, the UK and beyond. This geographical sweep allows us to offer unmatchable reach and penetration of talent pools and industries across the region.

In the recruitment industry, reputation and quality trump special offers or convenience. Clients know the growth of their organisations depends on hiring the right talent at the right time. That is why JAC Recruitment’s professional consultants focus relentlessly on earning, expanding and deepening a reputation for quality service. Japan’s closely followed Oricon Customer Satisfaction Survey results attest to this. JAC Recruitment has earned the No. 1 ranking in Japan for five consecutive years (2019-23). But the real accolades come from partners and clients growing across markets by relying on our effective, efficient recruitment operations. As we expand into new territories, our professionalism remains a cornerstone, carried forward by our skilled, specialised teams that ensure your recruitment needs are expertly met.

Strengths of JAC Recruitment

Focused Specialist Teams

More traditional recruitment firms offer broad or narrow services, depending on the style of operation. JAC Recruitment has built its business on providing the best of both approaches, customized for each client. Our consultants are embedded with deep knowledge of the industries they cover. They know the trends, they know the players. This means they also know exactly how broad a search needs to be and where to find the strongest candidates, including those with international expertise. With more than 170 specialised teams, we provide tailored services backed by the full support of a major listed international group. We deliver the power of the big with the flexibility of the small by making sure the services are customised to the exact needs of the client.

Efficiency Through 360-Degree Consultation

JAC Recruitment offers a 360-degree consultation approach that results in a streamlined process. Our consultants are adept at managing both clients and candidates, expediting the process and ensuring seamless communication. Acting as a direct link between your business and potential candidates, we ensure swift and dependable outcomes. This is how we build trust and deepen networks: consistent performance with seamless communication and collaboration that build confidence and efficiency in leveraging clients’ intrinsic value.

An Eye on Ever-changing Recruitment Needs

Guided by JAC Group’s management philosophy, “Connecting aspiration,” we continue to connect people, companies, economies, and societies - contributing to growth and development along the way. But we understand that the landscape in which we operate is forever evolving. What worked yesterday may not be right for tomorrow. And tomorrow’s solutions might be needed in a few months. For this reason, JAC Recruitment is 100% focused on serving the exceptional talents needed in a rapidly changing market.

Our operations have expanded around the globe as our clients sought to move into new territories. In response to a shift from a seniority-based hiring system to a results-oriented one, we adjusted the course to be able to offer the recruitment of managers and specialists who can contribute immediately. We have been quick to react to companies’ demands for digital transformation, the rise in importance of SDGs and, most recently, the rapid diffusion of a work style that no longer ties employees to a single location. Whichever way the workplace wind blows, we strive to stay one step ahead of the trends and changes to enable your business to find the talent management solutions it needs to thrive.