Milestone: 13,258 Trees Planted in FY2023 Through the “PPP Project”

13 October 2023

JAC Group Reforestation program PPP Project

JAC Group has recently marked a milestone in its ongoing reforestation initiative, the "PPP (One Placement creates One Plant to save the Planet) Project." Since the project's inception in 2008, the company has planted a commendable total of 141,189 trees, staying true to its commitment of planting one tree for every placement.


September 2023: JAC Group members and local students plant trees in the
Gunung Apeng National Park on the island of Borneo, Malaysia


The vision behind the PPP Project originates from Hiromi Tazaki, our Co-founder, Chairman, CEO, and Managing Director. The initiative vows to plant a tree for each candidate placed by any of the JAC Group companies worldwide. This effort symbolises the hope that just as every candidate flourishes in their new professional role, each tree will thrive and contribute to curtailing global warming.

JAC Group's current focus within the project is on replenishing deforested areas affected by illegal logging and natural disasters in Indonesia and Malaysia. Not only does this initiative help reforest these regions, but it also creates local job opportunities. In a bid to instil the importance of reforestation, JAC Group actively engages with the community by educating elementary and junior high students and partnering with local university students for tree-planting exercises.



Seedlings grown by local village groups in preparation for reforestation 


As a testament to JAC Group's commitment to a sustainable future, the group remains fervently dedicated to addressing environmental challenges and promoting the prevention of global warming through our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and safeguard nature and wildlife via the PPP Project.

Learn More About some of JAC Group's Sustainable Development Goal initiatives:
Tackling Environmental Challenges and Climate Change -
Championing Diversity and Inclusion -